i FX Q2 G05 2


Our flagship range for air sourced simultaneous heating and cooling (polyvalent / 4-pipe).

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Key Features:

  • Energy Efficiency: These systems are engineered to maximise energy recovery, using heat produced in cooling to reduce energy consumption for heating.
  • Year-Round Comfort: With hot and cold water always available, they meet comfort requirements across all seasons.
  • Compact: As typically the same size as your existing chiller meaning easy installation for decarbonising your heating
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Which buildings benefit from polyvalent heat pumps?

Any building that requires simultaneous heating and cooling through most, if not all of the year. Typical applications are large offices (where there is a north/south temperature difference), hospitals and hotels.

How does heat recovery work?

Heat recovery captures energy that would typically be lost during the cooling process and repurposes it to generate heat, significantly improving energy efficiency.

Can the system operate year-round?

Yes, polyvalent heat pumps are designed to provide both hot and cold water throughout the year, ensuring year-round comfort in all weather conditions.