This privacy policy has been created so you can quickly access the information you need. Click the links below to be taken directly to the specific area of the privacy policy you are looking for

  1. Privacy Policy
  2. Personal data we collect about you
  3. Uses made of your personal data
  4. Transmission and storage of your data
  5. Your rights and contacting us
  6. Cookies policy
  7. Changes to our privacy policy and/or cookies policy

1. Privacy Policy

1.1     Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V., together with other members of its group (MEU, we/us/our) are committed to safeguarding the privacy of our customers and users (you/your) who visit our websites. This privacy policy (the Privacy Policy) sets out our personal data collection and sharing practices for our UK website and is intended to inform you of the ways in which our UK website collects personal data, the uses of that personal data and the ways in which we will share any personal data you choose to provide to us. It also explains the ways that you can manage your personal data, including the right to object to certain types of processing we carry out. See paragraph 5 below for more information on your rights as a data subject.

1.2     If you are an existing customer of ours, further details about how we use your personal data is set out in your customer contract with us. Further notices highlighting certain uses we wish to make of your personal data together with the ability to opt in or out of selected uses may also be provided when we collect personal data from you. The data controller for our UK website is Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V. If you are located outside the UK, the data controller may be different. Please refer to the appropriate Privacy Policy. Assistance if required can be provided by:

1.3     If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact our data protection office using the details set out below:

Full name of legal entity



Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V., operating through its branch in England (registered number FC019156, BR003391)


Data Protection Officer

DPO email address:

Postal address:

Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V., Travellers Lane, Hatfield, Herts, AL10 8XB United Kingdom

Telephone number:

+44 1707 276100


1.4     Our website may contain links to other third party websites. If you follow a link to any of those third party websites, please note that they have their own privacy policies and that we do not accept any responsibility or liability for their policies or processing of your personal data. Please check these policies before you submit any personal data to such third party websites.

2. Personal data we collect about you

2.1     We will collect and process all or some of the following personal data about you :

    • Personal data you provide to us

Personal data that you provide to us. These are your name, email address, and other contact details;

  • Our correspondence

If you contact us, we will keep a record of that correspondence and any personal data you provide to us in this correspondence;

  • Survey data

We may also ask you to complete surveys that we use for research purposes. In such circumstances we shall collect the data provided in the completed survey;

  • Website and communication usage

Details of your visits to the website and information collected through cookies and other tracking technologies including, but not limited to, your IP address and domain name, your browser version and operating system, traffic data, location data, web logs and other communication data, and the resources that you access.

  • Marketing data

These are your preferences in receiving marketing from us and our third parties.

  • Aggregated Data

We also collect, use and share aggregated data such as statistical or demographic data for any purpose. Aggregated data could be derived from your personal data but is not considered personal data in law as this data will not directly or indirectly reveal your identity. For example, we may aggregate your website usage data to calculate the percentage of users accessing a specific website feature. However, if we combine or connect aggregated data with your personal data so that it can directly or indirectly identify you, we treat the combined data as personal data which will be used in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

2.2     We do not collect any special categories of personal data about you (this includes details about your race or ethnicity, religious or philosophical beliefs, sex life, sexual orientation, political opinions, trade union membership, information about your health, and genetic and biometric data). Nor do we collect any data about criminal convictions and offences.

3. Uses made of your personal data

3.1     In this paragraph, we set out the purposes for which we use personal data that we collect via our websites and, in compliance with our obligations under UK law, identify the lawful bases on which we rely to process the personal data.

3.2     These lawful bases are set out in UK data protection law, which allows companies to process personal data only when the processing is permitted by the specific “legal grounds” set out in law (the full description of each of these grounds can be found here)

3.3     Please note that in addition to the disclosures we have identified below, we may disclose personal data for the purposes we explain in this notice to service providers, contractors, agents, advisors (e.g. legal, financial, business or other advisors) and affiliates of MEU that perform activities on our behalf, as well as other members of the Mitsubishi Electric group. A list of the members of the Mitsubishi Electric group with whom personal data are shared with can be obtained from:


Group entity / Third Party

Personal Data



Name, email address, postcode, occupation,

Marketing automation platform used to send you relevant marketing communications to which you have subscribed.


online Identifier (user unique identifier)

User tracking and recording of website activity.


Online identifiers (Google analytics 4)

Address data (Google Map API)

Website usage Analytics, performance


Name, email address

Web Application development

Channel Mechanics

Digital identifier

SAML SSO Access to RDF portal

Linkedin insight tag

URL, referrer, IP address, device and browser characteristics (User Agent), and timestamp.

Reporting, retarget website visitors


Online identifiers, video viewing data

Display of relevant video content


Online identifiers (pseudonymised)

To provide cookie management solution to users.


3.5     The following tables list the purposes of the processing, the personal data processed and the lawful basis relied upon for the processing.


Personal Data

Lawful basis

To send you marketing communications to which you have subscribed.

We will provide an option to unsubscribe or opt-out of further communication on any electronic marketing communication sent to you or you may opt out by contacting us through the  “GDPR Contacting Us” form below

Name, email address


To send you information regarding changes to our marketing practices or terms

Name, email address, records relating to these communications

Performance of a contract

Compliance with our legal obligations, such as obligations under applicable consumer law

To comply with our other legal obligations (e.g. in accordance with our obligations under GDPR to keep personal data secure)

All personal data set out in this Privacy Policy

Compliance with our legal obligations, such as the Computer Misuse Act 1990, the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 and the Consumer Rights Act 2015

To comply with legal process, including responding to requests from judicial, public and government authorities, including those outside your country of residence, to protect our operations or those of our group

Such personal data as is required by the relevant request

Compliance with our legal obligations, such as where we receive a valid legal request, like a preservation order or search warrant, related to your account

Cookies are applied to the website to provide security parameters in order to prevent spam, malicious malware and potential hackers. More details can be found in our cookie policy

identification number to each visitor

Legitimate interest


Where we rely on “legitimate interests”:


Personal Data

Legitimate interests

To respond to your inquiries and fulfil your requests, including to contact you if necessary

Name, contact details

To serve our users

To deploy those strictly necessary cookies that are necessary to secure our website and to provide you with the services you request.

Strictly necessary cookies

To protect our business and the safety and privacy of our users and to provide you with the services you request

To enforce our legal rights, such as enforcing our Terms of Use, protecting our systems from criminal damage or access, and where none of the other lawful bases apply

Such personal data set out in this Privacy Policy as required on a case-by-case basis

To enforce our legal rights and pursue available remedies or limit the damages that we may sustain

Share your personal data with and receive your personal data from our other members of the Mitsubishi Electric group

All personal data in this Privacy Policy

To enhance our user experience, improve our business processes, operations and security

For litigation or regulatory purposes

Such personal data as may be required for these purposes

To defend ourselves in legal proceedings or respond to a regulator in a regulatory investigation

To communicate effectively with you and conduct our business

Contact details

To enable us to provide our services

For research and development purposes

Such personal data as may be required for these purposes

To allow us to improve our services

To monitor certain activities. This involves monitoring queries, web traffic and compliance with our procedures

Digital identifiers

To ensure the quality of our services and to combat fraudulent activity

To inform you of changes to our services, products or website

Contact details

To notify you of changes to our service

To ensure that content from our website is presented in the most effective manner for you and for your device, which may include passing your personal data to business partners, suppliers and/or service providers

All personal data in this Privacy Policy

To allow us to provide you with the content and services on the websites

4. Transmission and storage of your personal data

Export outside the EEA and UK

4.1     Where we transfer personal data from inside the European Economic Area (the EEA) or UK to outside the EEA and UK, we will take specific additional measures to safeguard the relevant personal data. Certain countries outside the EEA and UK have been approved by the European Commission and UK government as providing essentially equivalent protections to EEA and UK data protection laws and therefore no additional safeguards are required to export personal data to these jurisdictions (Adequacy Decisions). In countries which have not had these approvals, we will transfer your personal data where we have in place specific contacts approved by the European Commission and the UK Government (Standard Contractual Clauses).

4.2     Please contact us through the  “GDPR Contacting Us”form below if you would like to see a copy of the specific safeguards applied to the export of your personal data.

The following transfer mechanisms are relied on by us:


Transfer Mechanism





Storage limits

4.3     Our retention periods for personal data are based on business needs and legal requirements. We retain personal data for as long as is necessary for the processing purpose(s) for which the information was collected, and any other permissible, related purpose. For example, we may retain certain usage data to comply with regulatory requirements regarding the retention of such data. When personal data is no longer needed, we either irreversibly anonymise the data (and we may further retain and use the anonymised information) or securely destroy the data.

Category of personal data

Retention period

Name and contact information

For such period as necessary in order to defend against legal claims. Note that in England, a claimant generally has 6 years in which to bring a claim for breach of contract


For such period as necessary in order to defend against legal claims. Note that in England, a claimant generally has 6 years in which to bring a claim for breach of contract

Survey information

2 years

Website and communications usage

2 years

Marketing preferences

6 years from date consent withdrawn or ceases to be valid


5. Your rights & contacting us


5.1     You have the right to ask us not to process your personal data for marketing purposes. From time to time, we will inform you if we intend to use your personal data for certain types of marketing activities, or if we intend to disclose your information to certain categories of third parties for such purposes. You can exercise your right to prevent such processing by not checking certain boxes on the forms we use to collect your personal data. You can also exercise the right at any time by contacting us as set out in the  “GDPR Contacting Us” form below.

Updating information

5.2     We will use reasonable endeavours to ensure that your personal data is accurate. In order to assist us with this, you should notify us of any changes to the personal data that you have provided to us by contacting us as set out in the  “GDPR Contacting Us” form below.

Your rights

5.3     If you have any questions in relation to our use of your personal data, you should first contact us as per the  “GDPR Contacting Us” form below. Under certain conditions, you may have the right to require us to:

    • request access to and to be provided with a copy of personal data, including the categories of your personal data we collect and disclose (right of access to your personal data);
    • rectify any inaccuracies in the personal data we hold (please see paragraph 5.2) (right to rectify your personal data);
    • delete any personal data that we no longer have a lawful ground to use (right of deletion of your personal data/right to be forgotten);
    • where processing is based on consent, to withdraw your consent so that we stop that particular processing (see paragraph 5.1 for marketing) (right to withdraw consent to processing);
    • object to any processing based on the legitimate interest ground unless our reasons for undertaking that processing outweigh any prejudice to your data protection rights (right to object to processing);
    • restrict how we use your information whilst a complaint is being investigated (right to restrict processing); and
    • transfer your personal data (right of data portability).

5.4     Your exercise of these rights is subject to certain exemptions to safeguard the public interest (e.g. the prevention or detection of crime) and our interests (e.g. the maintenance of legal privilege). If you exercise any of these rights we will check your entitlement and respond within a month. If the request is complex, this timeline may be extended to three months.

5.5     If you are not satisfied with our use of your personal data or our response to any exercise of these rights you have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office, the UK regulator, or any other competent data protection supervisory authority when you are not satisfied with our use of your personal data or our response to any request by you to exercise any of your rights. You can contact them by calling 0303 123 1113. Or go online to (opens in a new window; please note we are not responsible for the content of external websites).

Contacting us

5.6     If you have any questions in relation to this policy, please contact us as per the  “GDPR Contacting Us” form below or contact our data protection officer whose details at are paragraph 1.3 above.

6. Cookies policy

6.1     We use cookies on the website. To find out more about how we use cookies, please see our  Cookies Policy.

7. Changes to our Privacy Policy and/or Cookies Policy

7.1     We may change the content of our website and how we use cookies and consequently our Privacy Policy and our Cookie Policy may change from time to time in the future. If we change this Privacy Policy or our Cookies Policy, we will update the date it was last changed below. If these changes are material, we will indicate this clearly on our website and notify you if you have registered an account with us and we have your email address.

7.2     This Privacy Policy was last updated on 08/05/2024. Archived versions of the Privacy Policy are available here: Privacy Policies.



Use of personal data under EU and UK data protection laws must be justified under one of a number of lawful bases and we are required to set out the lawful basis in respect of each use in this policy.

These are the principal lawful bases that justify our use of your personal data:


where you have consented to our use of your personal data(you will have been presented with a consent form in relation to any such use and may withdraw your consent by contacting us as per the  “GDPR Contacting Us” form below).

Performance of a contract:

where using your personal data is necessary to enter into or perform our contract with you.

Legal obligation:

where we need to use your personal data to comply with our legal obligations.

Legitimate interest:

where we use your personal data for the purposes of our legitimate interests and our reasons for using it outweigh your interests or fundamental rights and freedoms.