EW-HT Water to Water Commercial Heat Pump
The Climaveneta EW-HT is perfect for applications requiring high temperature water of up to 78°C, a key feature for your decarbonisation project by complimenting your air sourced heat pumps to create a cascade system, replacing fossil fuel heating systems. The EW-HT is available with two refrigerants: R134a (EW-HT) or R513A (EW-HT-G05).
Designed with a compact footprint for indoor placement, installation is straightforward with both refrigerants being non-flammable, with an ASHRAE A1 safety class. With its 2 independent circuits, it can operate in part load to improve efficiency during low demand periods and comes available with several options such as touch screen display, refrigerant leak detection and Master-Client group controls.
With a wide operating envelope, the EW-HT can support a range of commercial applications by interfacing between your low temperature hot water (LTHW) circuit and your Hot Water (HW) circuit. It can also be harmonised with our INTEGRA range of Simultaneous Heating & Cooling equipment (4-pipe) for commercial buildings, industrial process heat recovery (including IT Cooling) and district heating systems.

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