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Dan Smith explains why Mitsubishi Electric has signed up to the Supply Chain Sustainability School

We have recently signed up as a Partner with the Supply Chain Sustainability School to demonstrate that as a business, we are focused on developing and increasing the sustainability skills and knowledge of both our workforce and our supply chain.

The Supply Chain Sustainability School (SCSS) is an award-winning, industry-wide collaboration, led by Partners and Members whose Vision for the School is to be: “An industry where everyone will have the skills and knowledge to deliver a sustainable future.”

By 2025 the SCSS’s goal is to inspire and enable 50,000 people annually, in its Partners and their supply chains, to be more sustainable and drive real change.

Sharing and promoting sustainability with the wider market remains a priority this move will support

Dan Headshot BW Dan Smith National Construction Manager, Net Zero Design Team

A wealth of learning

The School is completely FREE and allows members to access training in a wealth of different areas including; Sustainability, Digital, FIR, Lean Construction, Management, Offsite, People and Procurement.

Anyone who joins the School will also have the opportunity to attend training and networking events, gain CPD points, complete a self-assessment and get a bespoke action plan, complete e-learning modules along with various training resources.

The SCSS principles are delivered using four shared values:

1. Inclusive

We exemplify respect for the planet, our colleagues and wider society.

2. Collaborative

We share knowledge and resources.

3. Inspirational

We inspire and enable our industry to drive positive change.

4. Impactful

We deliver measurable benefits.

Increasing understanding

At Mitsubishi Electric we have targets to achieve net zero in our global operations by 2050.

We have a broad and complex supply chain which we plan on educating and upskilling via the school – using learning pathways to ensure our supply chain is informed and has access to the best resources available.

With embodied carbon becoming increasingly important to the construction industry, we believe that companies must do all they can to gather and report on this previously unrequired data, to help contextualise whole-life carbon.

As a business that offers products to a diverse range of UK and Irish markets, we are focusing on the embodied carbon within those products and solutions so that we can help customers on their journey to net zero.

Using the School, we believe we can encourage more of our customers and partners to increase their own understanding and knowledge on sustainability throughout the industry.

Every day is a school day

As a business, we already understand the key legislative and carbon reduction challenges facing the UK, but we also know that ‘every day is a school day’ and there is always something new to learn.

Our vision for the future is therefore to improve sustainability throughout our organisation whilst also promoting net zero in the built environment.

Engaging with the Supply Chain Sustainability School will be a key part of this journey to understanding the evolving best practices, guidance and legislation-changing drivers within the markets where we and our customers operate.

Building additional competence is key to enhancing our reputation as a sustainable business partner. Sharing and promoting sustainability with our customers and the wider market also remains a priority that the Supply Chain Sustainability School and its learning resources will support in achieving.

If you would like to know more about the School, visit their website.

We have also set up a Net Zero Design Team with dedicated experts who can help and if this article has peaked your interest, please visit our webpage for more information and do please get in touch.

Dan Smith is National Construction Manager, Net Zero Design Team