Unfortunately for die-hard fans though, this article isn’t primarily focused on the R2 series astromech droid manufactured by Industrial Automation. It’s about the R32 series of air conditioning units manufactured by Mitsubishi Electric…
Fortunately for you however, just like R2-D2, this series of equipment is smart, advanced beyond its appearance and very, very loyal too, so I thought it worthy of a humorous comparison.
First of all the R32 series of MSZ-LN indoor wall mounted unit’s stand at a height of 307mm which is less than a third of the height of R2-D2. It is also small in width (890mm) and comes in very stylish colour options including red, white and black, making it ideal for shops, offices and boutique hotels.
Also, much like R2-D2 the LN system can serve a multitude of masters over its lifetime because it enables advance control via a Wi-Fi remote or smart device – to a selection of registered users.
But possibly the biggest likeness between R2-D2 and our new range of R32 LN units is in the area of compassion.
Although compassion is a lovable factor in R2-D2, it is arguably a flaw in the R2 droids.
Compassion is actually in-built though in the R32 LN range, with an i-See Sensor that means the unit can automatically adjust the room temperate based on sensing the individual temperature of each person in the room. This means the R32 LN range is built with the mission to provide the most personalised temperature control available in the market.

i-see Sensor Technology
Monitors the temperature of each person in the room.
In fact, the most obvious difference between R2-D2 and the new range of R32 units (aside from the rocket boosters) is that unlike the semi-retired droid, the LN series is state-of-the-art advanced technology created to provide innovative air conditioning and comply with the Government’s stringent F-Gas phase down. This means that by 2020, old non-R32 compatible air conditioning equipment will have to be replaced in order to comply.

MSZ-LN R32 Wall Mount System
State-of-the-art air conditioning technology.
So, whilst the R32 LN might not save the galaxy, it might just save you and your customers from breaking out into a sweat.
Remember, the 4th is all around you and, on Thursday of all days, the 4th is particularly strong!
To find out more about the Mitsubishi Electric range of R32 units, please visit timeforr32.co.uk
Russell Jones is PR & Communications Manager for Mitsubishi Electric Living Environment Systems in the UK.
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