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The importance of CIBSE YEN

In 2022, the Government estimated that around 25% of the UK’s carbon emissions come from the built environment. Whilst this is down from the 2014 figure of 34%, the country still has a long way to go if we are to hit our legally binding targets for net zero.

The UKGBC’s Net Zero Roadmap states that 71% of the UK’s built environment emissions are created from the energy used to heat, cool and power buildings.

That places a responsibility on the people who specify, design, install and commission the HVAC equipment that delivers the modern levels of comfort we all need in the UK’s temperate but changeable climate.

As a manufacturer of that energy-consuming equipment we know that we also have a role to play in helping the country achieve net zero, which is why we have created more CPD-Accredited Guides than any other HVAC manufacturer.

Being involved has helped me understand what is required to help the industry meet its targets

JonnyBetts Jonny Betts Applications Engineer

A YEN for learning

It’s also why I’ve been engaging with CIBSE Young Engineers’ Networks (YEN) and joined the CIBSE YEN London committee.

One of CIBSE’s main goals is to promote environmentally friendly and high-quality design, improving efficiency and reducing embodied and operational carbon in a bid to tackle climate change head on.

The knowledge gained from CIBSE events is vital for emerging professionals to engage in industry discussions and access resources to ensure designers can use the latest techniques and technologies.

CIBSE YEN provides a great platform for learning about the latest trends and challenges within the industry, while bringing fresh ideas and driving innovation. CIBSE YEN London host a range of events once a month to promote engagement and accelerate learning for local professionals.

Being part of the CIBSE YEN London committee has been very rewarding. I’ve not only gained insights into the ever-changing landscape of building services but have also had the opportunity to present at events and share specialised knowledge I’ve learnt from my time at Mitsubishi Electric.

Why we are involved

With over a Century of innovation Mitsubishi Electric is at the forefront of the climate challenge and, as a manufacturer of the energy consuming HVAC equipment that helps keep buildings comfortable, we understand how society can reduce both energy use and carbon emissions while still delivering modern levels of comfort.

Central to that challenge are the consultants and designers who will build our future and help retrofit our past. It’s worth reminding ourselves that around 80% of the buildings we will occupy in 2050, have already been built.

Our comprehensive range of CPD-Accredited guides and presentations are designed to aid CIBSE Members in understanding the changing legislative environment, and the emerging technologies and innovations that can help.

We see this as a partnership that helps ensure that innovative, sustainable solutions are developed and implemented effectively.

Getting involved

Being involved in the CIBSE YEN community has allowed me to understand what is required to help the industry meet its targets and the steps Mitsubishi Electric can take to assist the thousands of hard-working engineers and ensure designers and manufacturers can work hand in hand to achieve our net-zero goals.

My time on the London YEN committee has given me a great opportunity to meet and network with the consultants of the future.

I now look forward to encouraging more engineers in London join the community and expand to the wealth of knowledge and ideas we can provide.

Find out more about CIBSE YEN London by clicking here.

Jonny Betts is an Applications Engineer specialising in Central Plant