But having lived with an Ecodan 8.5kW air source heat pump system in my 1950’s, 4-bed semi for almost six years now, I thought I might be able to convey why I firmly believe that these systems are ideal for the UK and share some of my family's experience.
Living in Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire on the outskirts of the M25 means that we, like the rest of our neighbours are on the gas network. Like everyone else, we’ve got used to the concept of having highly flammable natural gas piped into our home and ignited to create hot water for our central heating.
However, working for a company that is pioneering energy efficiency in buildings, I thought it might be an idea to look at what the alternatives are and bought our 8.5kW system in September 2010.
Almost immediately I could see the benefits of being able to monitor and control our heating and hot water on my phone using the MELCloud App. I never need to worry about coming home to a cold house or with no hot water for a shower. I can see if someone has left the heating on when the house is empty – and turn it down or off, depending on the weather.

Smart control
And I can see exactly how much energy we as a family are using so it gives me better control of my heating bills. Yes I know the price of gas is relatively cheap at the time of writing this blog but the UK is now dependent on importing gas from places such as the Middle East and Russia, making us susceptible not only to global prices, but also to the changing political situations around the globe.
Plus I think we all realise that we can’t just carry on blindly using gas and oil in the way we have been not least because of Climate Change.
Oh and did I mention the Renewable Heat Incentive or RHI? Since I successfully applied in 2013, I’ve been getting a cheque every quarter for all of the renewable heating that my heat pump has produced … and this will continue for another four years, so that has more than recouped the initial costs involved in fitting the heat pump.
So am I happy with my decision? How could I not be? I have a reliable and renewable way of heating my home, even when it’s freezing outside. And I’ve already got the type of modern control that others are promising for the future.
I can see exactly how much energy we as a family are using so it gives me better control of my heating bills.

Download MELCLoud.
Max Halliwell is Product Manager for the Ecodan range of renewable heating systems.
If you have any questions about this article or want to know more, please email us. We will contact the author and will get back to you as soon as we can.
If you would like more information of air source heat pumps, including the Mitsubishi Electric Ecodan range please visit https://ecodanerp.co.uk