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Our homes should be a safe haven from the world outside but the air quality could actually be worse for you.

Air quality has probably never had so much attention here in the UK.

We are seeing articles in the national press about the effects of pollution and its impact on our health – and that of our children too.

Government is paying more attention to this important issue and is working to set standards to reduce the impact of pollution outdoors.

And this important because unfortunately, even when we are at home, we’re not entirely safe from poor air quality.

Air pollution indoors can be 2 to 5 times higher than outdoors.

We are committed to improving indoor air quality in workplaces and homes

Hern Yau 3 Hern Yau Ventilation Product Manager

Hidden harm

Yet many people still aren’t aware of just how many sources in the home can create pollutants that affect their health.

For example, even products such as air fresheners and scented candles emit harmful particles and chemicals.

MDF laminate flooring and furniture also give off chemicals and VOCs (volatile organic compounds). 

Even everyday activities such as cooking and cleaning release substances that can damage lungs.

In addition, there is also excess humidity from areas such as bathrooms and utility rooms, which leads to the growth of mould.

At a time when many of us are spending more time at home than ever before, making sure the air in our homes is free from pollutants is crucial. Indoor air quality (IAQ) is an important factor for health and wellbeing.

Bringing work home

Many workplaces have mechanical ventilation systems that replace stale indoor air with fresh, filtered air from outside.  

This creates a better and healthier working environment for building occupants.

Now technology is available that can bring the benefits of ventilation to homes with an energy efficient solution.

We recently introduced our Lossnay Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery (MVHR) system for homes.

It is designed to extract stale air continuously and efficiently from spaces such as bathrooms, kitchens, toilets and utility rooms.

It also recovers the heat from outgoing air and transfers it to the incoming air.

This ensures that air coming into a home is nearer the required indoor temperature and that there is minimal energy penalty for changing of the air.

Easy maintenance

Both of these pollutants are particularly harmful to people, so the filtration means that buildings even in the most polluted environments can benefit from clean, healthy air.

Lossnay MVHR operates continuously at ultra-low noise levels, so it is an ideal solution for homes and apartments where comfort is key.

There is also a built-in automatic summer bypass, to stop heat recovery and to bring in the cooler evening air when possible during the warmer months – reducing the risk of overheating.

Free guide to IAQ

As a company, we are committed to improving indoor air quality in workplaces and homes.

You can find out more about what Mitsubishi Electric is doing with our new campaign Love the Air We Breathe here, where there is more information on the impact of air quality on health and wellbeing.

Hern Yau is a ventilation specialist at Mitsubishi Electric