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Why we are so passionate about the climate crisis

They say that variety is the spice of life and that’s why I’ve always loved Marketing because each day is different, and you get to balance the ‘day-to-day’ stuff with more exciting projects and events.

One moment it can feel like you’re drowning in supplier invoices and credit card receipts, the next you can be planning a campaign, or video, or off to a customer event or an exhibition.

There are webinars and podcasts to arrange, and photoshoots and case studies to co-ordinate, and exhibitions panels and promotional materials to organise and distribute.

The latest campaign that has really got me excited though is one that focuses on the people in our business called Ask ME.

We can deliver modern levels of comfort in a sustainable way that won’t cost the earth

Sharon Oliver Sharon Oliver Channel Marketing Manager

The faces behind the name 

Our Ask ME campaign is designed to show the people, the passion and the skills we have amassed as a business, and effectively show off our fantastic colleagues who are the faces behind ME – Mitsubishi Electric.

The campaign saw us interview 45 of our colleagues to ask them what they felt about working for Mitsubishi Electric and why they were excited to come into work each day.

We want to put a human face on a global brand and tell our sustainability story through our people. We wanted their thoughts on climate change, customer service, sustainable comfort and why we are great advocates of collaboration.

This has given us a series of 15 short films that show why we are so passionate about playing our part in tackling the climate crisis.

We’ve been releasing three videos a week over the past five weeks, and we are about to start the process again as we want to continue to highlight just a few of the fantastic and passionate people we have in our team.

One major theme

Kicking off the 15 videos is one looking at why net zero is such an important ambition for our customers, our country and our company.

It shocked me the other day when I realised that there are only 25 YEARS until we must reach the legally-binding net zero targets!

Yet there are still people who are claiming we can continue to ‘kick the can down the road’ and leave it for future generations to clean up.

Over 70% of emissions from buildings come from the way we heat and cool them, so as a manufacturer of this type of equipment, we know that there are things that can be done, right now to make a significant difference.

It is possible to change the way we deliver modern levels of comfort in a sustainable way that won’t cost the earth. The technology exists and our industry has the skills to make it happen.

With net zero, we all know where we are heading but we’re going at different speeds so we need to share our experiences and help those who may not have even started their journey yet.

Slowly, people are waking up to the fact that the age of gas is over, and we are now entering the age of the heat pump.

These videos will help raise awareness of how we can all make a world of difference.

Stay ahead of the curve

As the climate challenges increase, legislation is going to get tougher and tougher. Matching these requirements is going to demand innovation and collaboration, and that’s why we have created these videos because we know that we can help our customers to become part of the solution, not part of the problem.

Watch these videos and you will see that behind our famous three-diamond logo is a dedicated and diverse team who work together to deliver the very best solutions for our customers. We know that the climate challenge calls for collaboration and sharing knowledge to deliver sustainability.

At Mitsubishi Electric we have over a Century of experience in delivering quality in everything we do and that literally means every component down to the last nut and bolt. This drive for quality transcends our products, our services and, most importantly, our people, so that we can deliver the help our customers need.

We already lead the way in providing more CPD-Accredited courses than any other air conditioning manufacturer in the UK, and our regular roadshows, webinars and podcasts are all designed to help our customers help their customers find sustainable solutions for their buildings, whatever shape or size.

With this series of videos, hopefully we can show off the passion behind our corporate face.

Sharon Oliver Channel Marketing Manager