Overview of Air Source Heat Pumps for Homeowners

Air source heat pumps are a completely renewable way of heating your home effectively and efficiently by harvesting heat from the air outside of your home, even in winter.

You can read our Air Source Heat Pump guide for a full comprehensive overview of air source heat pumps.

Air Source Heat Pump Guide

Air source heat pumps essentially take the heat from the air, even if the temperature outdoors is below freezing. They then transfer this energy to heat the water for your home.

Air source heat pumps are considered completely renewable as the air is naturally heated, which produces the energy the heat pumps utilise. They are powered by an electric supply, and as the UK continues its journey toward net zero, more of the electricity supply will be from renewable sources.

There are a huge number of benefits to installing ASHPs in your property, including:


  • Futureproofing your home
  • Good for the environment
  • Government incentives
  • Can be used with other renewable energy sources
  • Quiet and effective

The cost of installing an air source heat pump does vary based on the size of the system being installed, but data collected by the National Audit Office (NAO Report) found that, in 2023, the average heat pump installation cost was £11,287. That means that on average heat pump owners were paying £3,787 for a new install, after taking the Boiler Upgrade Scheme or The Home Energy Scotland Grant into account.

 To get a better idea of the installation cost for your home, we would recommend calling out a Mitsubishi Electric’s accredited installer, who will be able to assess your property through running a heat loss calculation and recommending the most appropriate heat pump solution for your requirements.


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