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As we all begin to settle into the New Year, Ellina Webb slowly kick starts 2019 with a list of her lazy but achievable resolutions.

I’m not one for setting New Year’s resolutions or even setting goals for that matter. Yes I see the benefit in doing so but at the age of 30 I know myself well enough to admit that I’m lazy.

Managing the goals, resolutions or little nudges you set yourself in life have to be achievable so as a lazy person I have come up with a list of easy changes to make in 2019; and I thought I would share them with you.

1. Remove something unhealthy from your life

We all have that vice which in excess becomes unhealthy. For most of us that vice is food related but for others it could be a toxic relationship or a harmful addiction to social media. The achievable way to fulfil this resolution is to pick one and then alter a certain aspect of it. For example, my vice is unhealthy food so I’ve identified the major culprits and I’ve specifically chosen not to eat any burger related fast food in 2019.

Of course that resolution is pretty small in the grand scheme of things but exercising my willpower a little bit at a time is what works for me, and I’m pretty sure it could work for you too.

So whether you choose to limit social media to half an hour a day, or you choose to be less available to a co-dependant friend, building up your willpower means that by next year you could be ready for an even bigger step. Who knows, I might finally be able to quit my Galaxy Minstrel addiction (but I’ll tackle that in a few years’ time).  

2. Pick up a new hobby

The easiest resolutions are the ones that incorporate an element of fun. Picking up a new hobby is pretty much the easiest resolution to fulfil and of course the options of hobbies available are endless. For me reading fiction is a hobby I envy so in 2019 I’m going to give it a go, in my own way.

As someone who consumes most of their content in visual and audible format, I’m going to take the plunge and invest in an audio book membership. Most audio book subscriptions allow you to download 1 free audio book a month making the goal of ‘reading’ a book a month feasible.

My colleague Susan however has decided that her new hobby in 2019 will not only be fun, but will enhance a skill she is passionate about. A keen amateur photographer, she is heading back to University for a set of evening classes aimed at understanding the technical skills required when taking photographs.

While enrolling on courses is obviously more of an investment in time and money (which might not be suitable for everyone, especially us lazy types) the motivation it ignites is priceless so maybe its inspiring me too…

3. Start saving for something new

If I had to admit to setting any form of goal it would be a financial one. Saving for something, whether it is a major investment like a house or a minor investment like an iPad is a task I actually enjoy. For me the easiest way to do this is by only acknowledging my salary as an amount minus the savings, having a savings account connected to my current account, and not choosing an item to save for which is ludicrously expensive.

By acknowledging my salary as lower, I can put my savings away and my emotional attachment to that cash is minimal. Also by having the savings accounts connected to my current account, the effort in moving the money around is marginal (I can even set it up to be automatic – but I’m not that lazy!).

Finally by not saving for an item which is too expensive I don’t have to worry about buyer’s remorse and I haven’t gone beyond my means (which totally counteracts that great feeling you get when you buy something new).

4. Celebrate the small successes

One of my favourite things about being an adult in today’s modern world is that it’s acceptable to celebrate anything and everything. A post lunch bar of chocolate to celebrate a productive morning, a glass of wine to celebrate the end of the week and even a McDonalds to celebrate a session at the gym (unless you’re cutting out burger related fast food of course).  

No matter how small or large you deem the success to be, make the most of it in all ways possible.

5. Encourage others to celebrate their successes too

On that note, what’s better than celebrating your own successes? Celebrating the success of others too! Right?

But seriously, there is nothing worse than putting a dampener on someone else’s good will and while this might be the hardest of my resolutions to fulfil, putting on a smile and congratulating someone else is pretty easy; although sincerity is the struggle.

But as I mentioned previously about exercising willpower, a sincere and happy reaction to everything around you gets easier with practice no matter how lazy you are.

Anyway, lazy or not, I hope you all had a Happy New Year and that 2019 treats you well!

Ellina Webb is a Senior Marketing Specialist at Mitsubishi Electric